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নিজের ক্যারিয়ার নিজে গড়ুন

Freelancing with Web Design

940+ Students

Course Duration: 4 Months


কোর্স পরিচিতি:

শখের কাজ কিংবা পরিপূর্ণ ব্যবসা সব ধরণের কাজের পরিচয় বহন করে ওয়েবসাইট। এজন্যই ডিজিটাল প্ল্যাটফর্মে ক্যারিয়ার হিসেবে ওয়েব ডিজাইনারের বেশ চাহিদা রয়েছে। এজন্য আমাদের ওয়েব ডিজাইন কোর্স সাজানো হয়েছে কোডিং আর ক্রিয়েটিভিটির সংমিশ্রণে। এখানে প্রতিটি বিষয় ক্লাসে হাতে কলমে শিখানো হয়। তাছাড়া হোমওয়ার্ক বা প্র‍্যাকটিস ওয়ার্ক দিয়ে পুরো প্রক্রিয়ার সাথে আপনাকে অভ্যস্ত করা হবে। ফলে কোর্স শেষে, আপনি নিজেই একটি Professional Website Design করতে সক্ষম হবেন। কোর্স চলাকালীন সময়ে আপনি ফ্রিল্যান্সিং মার্কেটপ্লেস থেকে টাকা ইনকাম করতে পারবেন।

কোর্সের বৈশিষ্ট্য

লাইভ ক্লাস

২৪ ঘন্টা সাপোর্ট

লাইফটাইম সাপোর্ট

রেকোর্ডেড ক্লাস ভিডিও

ইন্সট্রাক্টর পরিচিতি

computer office application course

মিজানুর রহমান

মিজানুর রহমান একজন ওয়েব ডেভেলপার এবং ডিজিটাল মার্কেটার যিনি ২০১৪ সাল থেকে ফ্রিল্যান্সিং এর সাথে জড়িত রয়েছে, ফ্রিল্যান্সিং করার আগে অনেক কোম্পানি তে কাজ করেছে। বিভিন্ন মার্কেটপ্লেসে তার কাজ করার দক্ষতা রয়েছে। বিভিন্ন দেশে তার ক্লায়েন্টস রয়েছে যারা নিয়মিত তাকে কাজ প্রদান করে যাচ্ছে। তিনি ফ্রিল্যান্সিং এর পাশাপাশি অনেক প্রঠিষ্ঠান এ ইন্সট্রাক্টর হিসেবে জয়েন ছিলেন, তার শিক্ষার্থীরা ভালো ভালো প্রতিষ্ঠান এ ভালো ভালো পজিশন এ জব করছে এবং পাশাপাশি ফ্রিল্যান্সিং চালিয়ে যাচ্ছে। তিনি ঢাকাস্টার্টাপ এর একজন দক্ষ ইন্সট্রাক্টর হিসেবে পরিচিত।

কোর্স কারিকুলাম

1. Instructor Information
2. Concept About Web Design
3. Purpose of Web Design
4. Marketplaces for Web Design
5. Income of Web Designer
6. Web Designer Future
7. Course Duration
8. Course importance
9. About Freelancing
10. Freelancing Marketplaces
11. IT Company etc 

We will cover the basics of HTML eg
1. Headings,
2. Paragraphs,
3. Formatting,
4. Attribute,
5. Layout,
6. Link,
7. Image,
8. Favicon,
9. Tables,
10. Lists,
11. Block & Inline,
12. Class,
13. Id,
14. Iframes,
15. Form,
16. Form attribute,
17. Form Input,
18. Form Input Attributes,
19. Audio,
20. Video,
21. HTML Lang Code,
22. Keyboard Shortcuts

1. CSS Introduction
2. Syntax
3. Selectors
5. Colors
6. Background Colors
7. Borders & Border Radius
8. Margins
9. Paddings
10. Height/Width
11. Box Model
12. Font
13. Icons
14. Links
15. Lists
16. Tables
17. Display
18. Position
19. Z-index & Overflow
20. Float & Inline Block
21. Alignment
22. Pseudo Class & Pseudo element
23. Gradients, Shadows, Effects
24. Transforms & Transitions
25. Tooltips, Object-fit,
26. Media Queries & Flexbox
27. Grid, Masking

1. Install Laragon
2. Install WordPress 

1. Dashboard Menu
2. Screen Option
3. Welcome
4. WordPress News
5. Activity
6. Pages
7. Posts
8. Portfolios
9. product
10. Themes
11. Plugins
12. Settings
13. Tools
14. Templates
15. Users
16. Analytics
17. Contact
19. Appearance
20. Theme File Editor
21. Widgets
22. Menus
23. Setting General
24. Permalinks
25. Privacy
26. Writing, etc.. 

1. Header & Footer
2. Global Layout
3. Theme Option
4. Page Create
5. Off Canvas
6. Post
7. Layout Builder
8. Live Visual Builder
9. Setup Wizard
10. Performance Wizard
11. Woo Commerce Builder
12. Chart
12. Animated Title
13. Google Maps
14. Slider
15. Popup & Modal
16. Lightbox
17. Modal Text/HTML
18. Nested Column
19. News Ticker
20. Next Page
21. On Page Text Link
22. Post Card & Post Slider
23. Pricing Table
24. Pre Made Template
25. Social Sharing
26. Syntax Highlighter
27. Table & Table of Contents
28. Toggles & Accordion
29. Widget & Widget Area
30. Forms
31. Studio 

WP Bakery Page Builder will be shown with eg
1. Custom Heading
2. Gradient Heading
3. Layout
4. Responsiveness
5. Icon box
6. Image box
7. Stylish Button
8. Animation
9. Flex
10. Grid
11. Dynamic Title
12. Dynamic Image
13. Dynamic Sub Title
14. Page Create
15. Post Create
16. Custom Icon
17. Custom Font
18. Pre Made Template
19. Pre Made Layout
20. Pre Made Box
21. Pre Made Header & Footer
22. Header & Footer
23. Custom Template
24. Template
25. Html Blocks
26. Pie Chart
27. Posts Slider
28. Google Maps
29. Raw JS, Raw HTMl
30. Hover Box
31. Image Gallery
32. contact Form
33. Flickr widget
34. Masonry Post Grid
35. Widgetised sidebar
36. FAQ & Accordion, Tabs
37. Call to Action 

1. Header & Footer
2. card design
3. Shortcodes,
4. icon lists,
5. progress bars,
6. testimonials,
7. counters,
8. star ratings,
9. social icons,
10. flex,
11. grid,
12. gradient background,
13. animated background,
14. Animated Heading,
15. Image Gallery,
16. Custom Icon,
17. Custom Font Family,
18. Button,
19. Dynamic Heading,
20. Dynamic Content,
21. Dynamic Image,
22. Dynamic Link,
23. Dynamic Post,
24. Create Page,
25. Create Post,
26. Edit Post,
27. Contact Form,
28. Portfolio Create,
29. Product Create,
30. Custom Code ,
31. Google Fonts,
32. Icon Library Add,
33. Responsive Design,
34. Maintenance Mode 

1. Add Beautiful Section,
2. Card Design,
3. Pre-Made Section,
4. Add Countdown,
5. Add Animation,
6. Add Template,
7. Add Icon Box,
8. Create Image Box,
9. Add Background Animation,
10. Create Slider, Gradient
11. Heading,
12. Create Button,
13. Hover Box,
14. Advanced Accordion,
15. Animated Text,
16. PDF Viewer,
17. Off Canvas,
18. Advanced Tab,
19. Content Switcher,
20. News Ticker,
21. Team Member,
22. Review,
23. Skill Bar will be shown. 

1. Dynamic Content,
2. Eye-Catching Slider,
3. Advanced Settings,
4. Responsive Slider,
5. Slider Popup,
6. Slider Animation,
7. Slider Timing,
8. Slider Effect
9. Slider Layout
10. Slider Addons
11. New Layer Slide
12. Button
13. Stylish Heading
14. Stylish Content
15. Shape
16. Slider Loop Layer
17. Hover Element
18. On Scroll
19. Element Action
20. Custom CSS
21. Advance Animation
22. Advance Style
23. Visibility
24. Size & Position
25. Custom JavaScript
26. Slider Editor Panel
27. Navigation Option
28. Slide Option
29. Layer Option

1. Create Form
2. Input Field
3. Number Field
4. Email Field
5. Submit Field
6. Placeholdera
7. Custom Field
8. Dropdown Field
9. Checkbox Field
10. Dynamic Field
11. Form Integration 

1. Header & Footer
2. tagDiv Builder
3. Smart Popup Elements
4. tagDiv Cloud Library
5. Woo Commerce
6. Live Layout & Page Builder
7. WordPress template Builder
8. Complete Header Builder
9. Flexible Footer Builder
10. Directory and Listing System
11. Prebuilt Websties
12. Theme fonts
13. Theme Colors
14. Block Settings
15. Post Settings
16. Template settings
17. Categories Settings
18. Translations
19. CPT & Taxonomy
20. Import & Export
21. Page Settings
22. Newsletter
23. Responsiveness
24. Custom CSS
25. Custom JS 

Woodmart theme customization will show how header footer is created. All advanced features of the theme will be shown like Product Style, Button Style, Custom Post, Custom Product, Custom Header Footer Selection.

1. Add Product,
2. Add Product Variation,
3. Create Product Image,
4. Create Product Image with Canva,
5. Add Product Price,
6. Add Product Category,
7. Add Tags,
8. Add Attributes,
9. Featured Image 

Add Payment Gateway System of Product,
1. Add PayPal,
2. Bkash,
3. Cash on delivery,
4. Rocket,
5. Bank Account,
6. Add VAT,
7. Open Payment Account,
8. Verify Payment System,
9. Add Payment System with Woocommerce,
10. Add Payment System with WordPress,
11. Live payment will be shown 

Exporting one website file and importing it to another website with all in one wp migration, backing up website files, advanced settings, exporting and importing website files with Updraft, backing up and downloading website files.
It will show how to build a beautiful functional portfolio website, with header footer and contact form and contact form integration.

1. Easy Visual Configuration of Calendar
2. Working Dates
3. Default, Maximum and Minimimum Dates
4. Open Hours
5. Mutiple services
6. Price & Duration
7. Start times calculated automatic
8. Avoid Double Booking
9. Multiple services select
10. Auto Price Calculation
11. Email Notification
12. Form Validation
13. Anti spam captcha protection
14. CSV reports
15. Calendar available 53+ languages
16. Multiple date formats
17. Multi page calendars
18. Printable appointments
19. Payments process(ex: paypal, paypal pro, stripe, skrill,)
20. Addons for payment reCaptcha, MailChimp, Woocommerce and others
21. Live Booking Medical, training, booking rooms, classes, etc.. 

An e-commerce website will be created with Woodmart theme, header, footer, add product, add product category, set product price, add product tags, add product attribute, create image of product, set free delivery rate, payment. Adding system, setting delivery region, showing products by adding woo commerce, and advanced setting of woo commerce will be shown.
1. Calculating Form Create 2. Registration form create 3. Create Multi step form 4. Input Field 5. Input placeholder 6. Collect Information 7. Generate leads 8. take orders 9. engage visitor 10. take payments 11. donations 12. down payments 13. Sell merch with paypal 14. custom Forms 15. polls 16. Dynamic input fields 17. Dynamic options 18. Advance Settings

1. Dynamic Data Tables
2. Dynamic Charts & Graphs Builder
3. Custom Content Types
4. Dynamic Visibility Feature
5. Dynamic Data Store
6. Membership built in
7. WordPress Advanced Custom Fields
8. Dynamic Listing Calendar
9. Dynamic Function Feature
10. Glossary Feature
11. Post Relations
12. Dynamic Repeater Widget
13. Dynamic Link Widget
14. Dynamic Terms Widget
15. Custom Taxonomies & Terms
16. Options Page
17. Custom Meta Boxes
18. Skins Manager
19. Conditional Logic For Custom Fields
20. Dynamic Listing Map
21. Dynamic Listing Grid
22. Posts Relations(legacy)
23. SEO for Custom Post Type
24. Query Builder
25. Geosearch Based on User Geolocation 

1. Wordfence Security
2. Jetpack
3. Malware Finding
4. Malware Scan
5. Two Factor authentication
6. Login Page CAPTCHA
7. Disable or add 2FA to XML-RPC.
8. Block logins for administrators using known compromised passwords.
9. Content safety by scanning file
10. Repair files that have changed
11. Real time malware signature updates
12. Bad URLs
13. Backdoors
14. SEO spam
15. Malicious redirects
16. Code Injections
17. Post hack Security Actions
18. Website Firewall
19. Blocklist Monitoring
20. Effective Security Hardening 

1. Plugin Compatibility issues.
2. Theme causing problems
3. Internal server Error
4. Establishing Database Connection Error
5. Problems with web host
6. Failed Auto Upgrade
7. Connection Timed Out
8. Maintenance Mode
9. Make Changes & Nothing Happens
10. Pretty Permalinks 404 & Image not working
11. Custom Post type 404 Errors
12. Specific Error Messages
13. Ajax Error
14. PHP Errors
15. Parse Erros
16. Syntax Errors
17. Database Errors
18. Error 28
19. Error 145
20. CREATE Command Denied to User
21. Unexpected
22. Allowed memory size exhausted
23. Call to Undefined function
24. Fatal Errors and Warnings
25. Incorrect wp-config.php information
26. The White Screen of Death
27. Missing a temporary folder
28. HTTP error when uploading image
29. Pluggable.php
30. Failed to load resource
31. Googlebot cannot access CSS & JS files
32. Error establishing a database connection
33. Image uploading issue
34. Not sending email issue
35. Forbidden 

1. social login with Facebook, Google, Discord, Twitter, LinkedIn, Amazon, Yahoo, etc
2. Flexible display
3. Sync user data
4. Secure login
5. Customizable Social Login Icons
6. User Redirection
7. Assign user roles
8. Email Notifications
9. Enable/Disable user registration
10. social Share
11. Woocommerce login page
12. Custom Registration form
13. Custom Fields from Default fields
14. Email Notifications
15. User profile account page
16. Google reCaptcha & Honeypot
17. Multistep form
18. Collect Payment via Credit Cards & Paypals
19. Email marketing Integration
20. Conditional Logic
21. Invite Codes for registration
22. Import & Export
23. Two Factor Authentication 

1. Countdown Single Product
2. Sale Progress of a Product
3. Customizable Countdown or Sale Bar
4. Custom page Showing Countdown
5. Position of the Countdown
6. Shortcode & widget available
7. Customizable text
8. Countdown for specific Product to add topbar
9. More exiry actions
10. Multiple expiry actions
11. Woocommerce Coupon Action
12. Sticky Announcement Bar
13. Priority Support
14. Recurring Campaigns
15. user Session
16. Change field text
17. Remove Specific Field
18. Custom Font 

1. Increasing the speed of the website, 2. SEO of the website, 3. increasing the performance of the website, 4. increasing the rank of the website will be shown
An educational website will be displayed from scratch with LearnPress premium plugin, add course, add course curriculum, course privacy setting, course payment system, course related everything.

1. Multi Memberships
2. Social Login
3. Double Email
4. Verification system
5. Drip Content Protection
6. Restrict Pages or any URL
7. Subsciptions Plan
8. Menu Protection
9. WpBakery Page Builder
10. Members list showcases
11. Custom Currencies
12. Coupon Codes Discount
13. Content Locker
14. Conditional Logic
15. invoice on orders
16. Member Approval
17. Avoid spam signups
18. BAN Certain emails & Usernames
19. Members Directory
20. Personalized avatar
21. Data Export 

Multivendor website will be created and displayed with Dokan Premium plugin. Multivendor Website Integration with Dokan Plugin Advanced settings of Dokan plugin will be displayed.
Full website will be translated with Polylang, WPML, Loco Translate, Weglot. The full website will be translated into a specific language. Advanced settings, adding new languages will be displayed

1. Fiverr
2. Upwork
3. Freelancer
4. PeoplePerHour
5. Good thing & Bad thing about Marketplace
6. Clients needs  

Everyone will be given their own portfolio website and reviewed to see if the website is correct or not.

1. Fiverr Profile Create
2. Information Add
3. Payment information Add
4. Basic Skill Test
5. Fiverr Tour
6. Fivrr Pros and Cons
7. Fiverr Policy
8. Fiverr Help
9. Fiverr Support
10. Fiverr Terms of Service
11. Fiverr Forum
12. Fiverr affiliates
13. Become a Seller
14. Community Standards 

1. Fiverr gig research
2. Sample Gig Create
3. Gig Title
4. GiG Description
5. Price
6. Other details
7. Niche Collect 

1. Gig Image Create
2. Image create with Canva
3. gig Image SEO
4. Pdf Create
5. pdf seo
6. Gig Tips & Tricks 

1. Account Create
2. Information Add
3. Bank Account Add
4. Account verification
5. Connect with Marketplace
6. Widraw Money
7. Widraw to Local Payment System
8. Account related Tips & Tricks 

1. Conversation with client
2. Take Order
3. select time
4. Payment from Client
5. Delivery project
6. Client Feedback 

1. Create Real gig
2. Create Image
3. Create Pdf
4. Create Short Video
5. Description
6. Price
7. Feature
8. Delivery Time
9. FAQ
10. Check Activity
11. Install Extension 

1. Gig Marketing
2. Facebook Markeing
3. Twitter Marketing
4. Instagram Markeing
5. Youtube Markeing
6. LinkedIn Markeing
7. Pinterest Marketing 

ভর্তি চলছে!

অফলাইন (সরাসরি ইনস্টিটিউট) বা অনলাইন (লাইভ ক্লাস)- পছন্দমতো ভর্তি হতে পারেন এখনই।

কোর্স ফি

৳ ১৬,০০০ টাকা

৳ ৮০০০ টাকা

কোর্স যাদের জন্য

যেখানে কাজ করতে পারেন

যে সকল পজিশনে জব করতে পারবেন

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